My Law Glossary
My Law Glossary
Hi, my name is Maude Racine. I live in Laval. I have been studying Sciences for 1 year at Lionel-Groulx College. In fact, this is my first semester at Montmorency College in the same program. The glossary I have made will help you understand this field of study. In fact, each word in this glossary is related to the field of study and are use often in Law. Finally, I hope this glossary will give you a chance to learn new words or the meaning of some words you didn’t know about.
- Court
- noun
- A place where trials and other legal cases happen, or the people present in such a place, especially the officials and those deciding if someone is guilty.
- Example: To appear in COURT.
- fr: Tribunal
- Jury
- noun
- A panel of 12 people chosen to be present in court and decide whether someone is guilty of a crime.
- Example: In Antiphon 5, a slave is murdered because he is accused of killing his master and his murders are told "a JURY's vote applies just as much to the man who kills a slave as to the man who kills a free man".
- fr: Jury
- Jury box
- noun
- A segregated area in which the jury sits in a court of law.
- Example: The jury sits in the JURY BOX.
- fr: Banc des jurés
- Court official
- noun
- A judge, referee, court administrator, prosecutor, probation officer, or victim's advocate, whether employed by or under contract with the court, who is authorized to act on behalf of the court.
- Example: The case management conference will be held no later than 150 days after the filing of the initial pleading before a COURT OFFICIAL designated by the Presiding Judge.
- fr: personnel judiciaire
- Appeal
- verb
- To apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
- Example: We have three days to APPEAL the verdict.
- fr: Faire appel
- Legal advice
- It applies the law, including statute and case law and legal principles to a particular situation. It provides recommendations about what course of action would best suit the facts of the case and what the person wants to achieve.
- Example: A lawyer gives LEAGAL ADVICE to his client.
- fr: Conseil juridique
- Warrant
- noun
- A legal document issued buy a government official or court that authorizes the police to do something.
- Example: The police had a WARRANT to search the house of the suspect.
- fr: Mandat
- Charge
- noun
- A legal accusation of a crime against someone.
- Example: He faces a CHARGE of attempted murder.
- fr: Accusation
- Guilty
- adjective
- Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.
- Example: A murderer found GUILTY and sentenced to life in prison.
- fr: Coupable
- Bail
- noun
- Money thats is paid so that the prisoner can leave jail before their trail.
- Example: The BAIL was 5000$.
- fr: Caution
- Suspect
- noun
- Someone who is believed or thought to have committed a particular crime or done something wrong.
- Example: Who's the prime SUSPECT in the case?
- fr: Suspect
- Jail
- noun
- A building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while they await trial.
- Example: He was in JAIL serving a 20-year sentence.
- fr: Prison
- Judge
- noun
- A public officer who is in control of a court and has the power to decide the punishment for a criminal.
- Example: Then follows this evidence put forward in front of a JUDGE jury who will ultimately decide whether they agree beyond reasonable doubt that the alleged offender committed the crime and thus how they should be punished.
- fr: Juge
- Witness
- noun
- Someone who is present when an official document is being signed and also signs the document to prove they say this happened.
- Example: Joey was one of the WITNESS at the crime scene.
- fr: Témoin
- Verdict
- noun
- The official decision of a jury in a trial.
- Example: The jury deliberated for three hours and returned with a guilty VERDICT.
- fr: Verdict
- Plea
- noun
- An official statement in which someone pleads guilty or not guilty in a court of law.
- Example: To enter a PLEA of not guilty.
- fr: Plaidoyer
- Proof
- noun
- Facts, documents, information, etc., that show the truth of something.
- Example: Do you have any PROOF of this accusation?
- fr: Preuve
- Judicial system
- noun
- The system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government.
- Example: It makes sense that the JUDICIAL SYSTEM justifies the use of punishment through its aim of furthering the interests of society.
- fr: Système judiciaire
- Lawyer
- noun
- Someone who is trained and qualified to advise people on legal matters, represent them in court, and draw up legal documents.
- Example: John Dickenson, a LAWYER from Pennsylvania, wrote that the Suspending Act was "unconstitutional and warned residents of other colonies that it might serve as a precedent for a similar assault upon their legislative rights".
- fr: Avocat
- Trial
- noun
- A formal examination of evidence and testimony in a court of law in front of a judge and a jury to determine whether or not an accused is guilty of a crime.
- Example: To be on TRIAL for murder.
- fr: Procès